Thursday, April 28, 2022


Good afternoon, morning, and night! Whatever time of day that it is when you are reading this! I want to jump in and say that I'm not one of those people that share a long grueling story about where this recipe came from. Long story short, I follow a vegan influencer on insta, and then I added my own little twist to make it non-vegan... I also added pasta! Because who doesn't love pasta? A crazy person honestly. 


Here it is! My beef stew recipe. 

Also, is this blog slowly turning into a cooking blog? I think it is at this point. 


1 pound beef stew chunks

5 red potatoes diced

half a bag of baby carrots 

1 small white onion diced

4 stalks of celery diced

1 small red bell pepper diced

4 ounces of orzo pasta

1 15- ounce can of tomato sauce 

1 15-ounce can of diced tomatoes

olive oil 

garlic powder 


salt and pepper to taste 

complete seasoning 


1.  In a well-oiled skillet add beef chunks and let them brown on all sides. (I let them brown as I cut up the veggies.)

2. In another pot put water to boil for the orzo pasta. (use the box instructions)

3. As the water boils and the beef browns add the potatoes, celery, bell pepper, and onion into a well-oiled dutch oven. Let them saute until the potatoes are soft and almost crumbling. I add water a little bit at a time to allow them to break down and stew. This also allows the food to not stick to the bottom, once the oil is absorbed. 

4. once veggies are stewed down, add the finished orzo pasta. Stirring it together before adding the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. Then season with 1 tablespoon parsley, 2 tablespoons garlic powder, 2 tablespoons complete seasoning, and then salt and pepper to taste. 

5. Let it thicken for about 5 to 10 minutes on medium-low and serve. 


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