11 pounds 11 weeks.


Monday morning I realized that we only have eleven weeks left in the year! 

How crazy is that?! 

This year has absolutely flown by for me, does anyone else feel this way? 

On that note, I have made the goal for myself to lose eleven pounds in the next eleven weeks. 

That would put me at 25 pounds down from my original weight of 190. (whoa, I said the number) 

I ended up writing out my own little program for me to go by so that it is easier for me to do. I am terrible with just winging things. 

You are probably wondering why I am telling you these things. Well, Why not blog it? In these next eleven weeks, I plan to blog about my feelings, results, exercises, etc. So, for today I will just share my excitement in that I have found something for me to focus on, outside of moming and working on projects, and my workout plan. 

I will be posting updates regularly. 

If you would like to follow along, or join in and do it with me, Feel free to do so! 

- Taylor

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