What I read this month: September 2022


Happy October! 

I can't believe that it is October already! We have officially been in Santa Fe for four months! (Have I mentioned that I moved away from Louisiana?) I digress that will be saved for another day. September was, well let's just say a doozy. For some reason, it just did not go as planned and I managed to not get a single thing done that I wanted. '

Yes, I am still working on the manuscript that I promised would be done in September. 

With that being said, I did manage to read one book. Yes, you read that right. 


Reading was put on the back burner, as I wrote a good chunk of my second book in the BNB series. But I am proud that I managed one, and I wanted to share with you all what it was and what I thought about it. 

Now, I would like to disclaim that I am a romance reader through and through. There is just something about reading about a character meeting and falling in love with the hero that just gets to me. It's like I get to have that experience over and over again myself. Now that I myself am a romance writer it's like tenfold but I wouldn't change it. 

 So at last, the only book that I read in the entirety of September 2022, Is Ensnared (The Spider's Mate #1)  by Tiffany Roberts. 

Disclaimer: This novel is 18+

I loved this book! It is a monster-fated-mate romance about Ketahn, a spider-like man, and Ivy. A human woman that he finds deep within the jungle after her ship crashes. The relationship and how he finds her is interesting, how they mingle and their intimacy was amazing! (Even before the spicy parts) I was literally on the edge of my seat as I read it. I even had moments of talking to myself out loud wanting them to hurry! 

5/5 In plot! Even the political parts of Ketahn and the queen were well thought out. 

5/5 In spice. It was just enough and their chemistry was amazing. 

I definitely recommend this book if you are into Spicy, Smutty Monster Romance. 

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